From D-Lab Electronics: Heathkit IT-28 Capacitor Checker Repair plus demo Vintage Test gear how-to. This instrument needed some help but turned out great. Very handy for troubleshooting old amps. Heathkit was the best kit company back in the day.Continue Reading

This video addresses some issues with an Astron RS-35A power supply. Learn a quick way to see if the pass transistors are all working. Also an explanation of how linear power supplies operate.Continue Reading

From D-Lab Electronics: No grid drive? Better take a look at your VFO. Many of these radios travel thru D-lab. Most all need this service. Yes, the VFO is the hardest area to service. However, if you do it right the first time, the radio will be good for many years to come. If you detect symptoms (EX: drift, smells hot, frequency jumps) , but do not act, the VFO can go up in flames. Then this repair gets very expensive. I have seen so many in bad condition. Take the time, Love your radio, then it will more than likely outlive you! I love working on these pieces. Hopefully I can keep it up, as many are in need of this TLC. Hope you enjoy this info. If you have questions or need my assistance, contact me! TDContinue Reading