The Early Years (1915-1955)

The Goshen Amateur Radio Club was first organized in 1915 by a group of Goshen High School students. Using the call sign 9-ACM, the club operated from the third floor of the high school building until it was disbanded during World War I, when private radio transmissions were banned by the federal government.  The club reorganized in 1923 with a total of 10 members.  Little information regarding the years between World War I and World War II are available.

The Growing Years (1955-1975?)

The club reorganized again in 1955.  Members at the time included George Kasdorf, W9FSA;  Homer Houck,W9ZFA; Joe Gregier, W9NET; Glen Cripe, W9OEC; Robert Croumlich, W9CJJ;  Art Stump, W9PEU; Bob Hawk, W9TRN,  and several hams from Elkhart.  Bob Hawk served as president and George Kasdorf as secretary-treasuer.  Membership during the sixties grew, adding names such as Stan Brunk, K9ATV;  Dick McCahill, K9UTV; Paul Hollinger, W4BY (ex K9GAI); Bob Croumlich Jr., K9VNU;  Bob Wright, K9WQX; Paul Beck, K9VTN;  Harry Reed, K9WSH;  Jake Swartzendruber, K9WJU;  Sandy Swartzendruber, W9JOE (ex K9PNV);  Herman Hartzler, K9YEO;  Ed Slater, K9TQR; Art Tait, K9DHC;  Stan Brunk, W0ICG;  John Johnson, John VanHout, WN9BCU; Mark Ramser, W9DGJ; Dr. Ramser, Orton Kauffman, WA9AQZ; Herb Sommers, WA9RNT;  Lewis Hartzler, WA9WVW; Bob Vorhis, WA9MJL; Jim Kehr, N9DUZ (ex KA9AHU); and others.  The club meetings were held in a building on West Lincoln Avenue, near the current location of Goshen Electric.  After some time, the club began meeting again in the Goshen High school building, this time in the basement.  When the high school needed the space, the club met in the basement of the Goshen Public Library for a few meetings.  The club also met in an upstairs room behind the Olympia Candy Kitchen in downtown Goshen for several months.

The Goshen College Years (1975?-1995)

Several club members, primarily Jake Swartzendruber, K9WJU, and Vernon Schertz, WB9PXI, were faculty members at Goshen College.  The college had an active club and station, and it was suggested that the Goshen Amateur Radio Club begin meeting on the college campus.  Meetings were initially held in the basement floor of the Science Building.  As room scheduling became more difficult, the club meeting location moved to the Newcomer Center building on the south end of the college campus.

Greencroft (1995-)

Increasing interest in the hobby by residents of the Greencroft retirement community, and the availability of space and a tower led the Goshen Amateur Radio Club to begin meeting in the Hohman Activities Building on the Greencroft Campus.  A 120-foot tower was procured and rehabilitated.  Extensive work, including repainting and outfitting with antennas was culminated on    when the tower was erected.

A Mighty Wind (1997)

A microburst associated with a severe thunderstorm on July 4, 1997 proved to be too much for the club’s tower, shearing off two bolts at the 100-foot level, causing the top section to fold over.  Damage to the top two sections, as well as the feedlines and antennas, required the tower to be lowered for repairs.  The tower sections were shipped back to the manufacturer (Py-Rod) in Plymouth, Indiana.  Following repairs and reinstallation of antennas, the tower was ready was ready for raising by the Fall of 1997.  The weather, however, seemed determined to keep the tower from bristling the south Goshen skyline.  One of the wettest and warmest winters on record kept the ground wet and mushy, far from the the rock-solid frozen soil necessary to support the crane.  The Spring of 1998 proved equally as damp, and it was not until late Spring that the crane’s schedule and dry soil coincided.

Resurrection (1998)

Current (1998-)

The club continues to thrive with a very active core group. The club station continues change with club interests and demands. The club meets monthly, and annually produces a good turn-out at Field Day. The club also sponsored the first IMO Advanced SKYWARN program in 2003.