[GARC Announce] ***SPAM*** 2014 Skwarn Recognition Day at NWS North Webster Forecasting Office

KC9NWM kc9nwm at embarqmail.com
Mon Nov 10 22:38:58 UTC 2014



The Hoosier Lakes Radio Club has been asked to coordinate the 2014 Skywarn
Recognition Day at the NWS - Northern Indiana Weather Forecasting Office
[IWX], north of North Webster Indiana

7506 E 850 N - Just off SR13

Syracuse, IN 46567


SKYWARNT Recognition Day (SRD) provides a venue for National Weather Service
(NWS) offices to recognize Amateur ("ham") Radio operators for their
commitment in helping keep their communities weather safe. During every
tropical weather threat, and many other major weather events, Amateur Radio
operators staff local NWS and American Red Cross shelters and stand ready to
provide emergency communications should standard services fail or become
overloaded. Many Amateur Radio operators are also trained as SKYWARNT
weather spotters by local NWS offices, to provide valuable information
during hazardous weather situations. Often, these spotter reports allow NWS
meteorologists to issue severe weather warnings with greater advance notice
and confidence than would otherwise be possible.


Event Information can be found:



The On Air event starts on December 5th at 7pm [0000Z] and ends on December
6th by 7pm [2400Z]


There will be an Antenna and Radio gear setup starting at 4pm on the 5th.

At present we will have two HF antennas [One 10/60M vertical and one 80M
loop scheduled so far], and the fixed site VHF and UHF Vertical and Beam
antennas with the radios setup at NWS IWX 


Additional operators [HF, VHF, and UHF] are needed to participate through
the event.


If you plan to attend the SKYWARNT Recognition Day at IWX, please RSVP:

Ken Ledgerwood, KC9NWM at:

KC9NWM at embarqmail.com 


Please provide your:

.         Name/Call Sign

.         What time you plan on arriving

.         Times available to work "On Air", if available, even if it is just
1hour [We have time slots available throughout Friday evening, night and
through Saturday]


If you would like an opportunity to visit and maybe join working other NWS
station amateur radio operators throughout the country, come and join us.



Ken Ledgerwood - KC9NWM

2014 Skywarn Recognition Day Coordinator

Hoosier Lakes Radio Club


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